Oil and Gas
Financial Sector
IT and Technology


Market Analysis and Investment Risks
Considering the impact of the unprecedented market volatility on the returns and value of companies, investors and financial institutions demand higher quality analytics and disclosure of financial and technical information on the projects, including analysis of investment and market risks. We make a research of the markets and related risks, and their impact on the projects’ value for the most important investment decisions.
Financial Modeling and Valuation
An independent valuation report or an impairment analysis became must-have companions to a business plan, financial reporting, in asset-backed lending, project finance or in selecting an investment. The financial models we develop, and valuation reports we prepare are used by the world’s largest companies, banks, and regulators in various countries as part of M&A, financial reporting, or international disputes and arbitration.
Replacement Costs and Service Life of Production Units and Equipment Analysis
Risk management of asset-heavy companies requires an assessment of replacement costs, service life and wear and tear of plant and equipment. For many years, our reports prepared in accordance with internationally recognized industry best practices have been used by major national and international companies, insurance brokers and insurance companies.
Transactions Advisory and Investment Alternatives Analysis
Valuation of intangible assets and financial instruments, fixed assets or equity is a part of investment and development alternatives analysis of projects and companies, used in selecting a strategy or project funding, as well as during negotiations with investors or regulators. Our experts have qualification and experience in providing fairness opinions, estimating transactions prices, selecting optimal investment parameters, and disposal of surplus or idle assets.
Expert Reports for International Arbitration
Our specialists have experience in preparing expert reports and providing expert witnesses in international dispute and arbitration. Our staff and the industry consultants we partner with as necessary have the qualifications and competencies necessary to provide expert services.